Pick and pack order fulfillment is the process by which workers — also known as pickers — pick items from warehouse shelves and package them in individual boxes or envelopes. Pick and pack, which is also referred to as pick, pack and ship, is different from traditional order fulfillment in that orders are packaged for shipment and delivery onsite at a warehouse rather than being sent to a distribution center. By eliminating this additional step — as well as using only the appropriate packing materials and shipping from the optimal fulfillment location — companies can lower costs and reduce shipping times.
There are a variety of pick and pack methods from which to choose; Legacy supports all of the following:
Workers pick and pack orders one at a time.
Workers pick orders in batches and bring them to packing stations all in one go.
Workers pick and pack partial orders based on their location, or “zone,” within the warehouse. Once a worker has completed their portion of the pick list, they pass it off to the next picker in the next zone, until the completed order finally reaches the packing station.
Workers pick and pack batches of orders within their designated zone before passing that batch onto pickers in the next zone. The process repeats until each batch of orders is complete, at which point they’re sent to the packing station.
For clients with unique picking requirements, we’re able to develop a custom pick and pack fulfillment program based on your exact specifications.
At Legacy Supply Chain, we offer a wide variety of pick and pack options, including kitting and assembly, subscription box services and returns management. Kit on-demand or pre-kit based on demand, add marketing inserts to every order, create branded packaging, identify the optimal location to ship out of and more — we’re able to accommodate your every need, and it all comes back by standardized, repeatable processes, customizable technology and unparalleled supply chain expertise.
We’re able to integrate with any client’s enterprise platform, which means this entire pick and pack fulfillment process is supported by seamless electronic connectivity. This level of connectivity allows for unparalleled visibility into EDI order confirmation, status updates, shipment confirmation and tracking, invoicing, inventory synchronization and more.
Talk to a member of the Legacy team today.